reflect. grow. laugh. love. let go. sip tea. write. eat cupcakes. forgive. do good.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Week in Review 3/9

Week in review
- Successfully made a non stressful trip to the RMV. GKF
- Met a pig named Bobby and decided to once again stop eating bacon (the only pork product I ate)
- Got my to do list down to 11/2 pages from 3 pages
- Shopping trip to Ikea
- Built an Ikea table solo  (small achievements make me smile)
- Finally ordered my Tranquility du Jour day book 
- 1 French lesson 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Week in Review

Week in Review
2 pilates class
1 yoga class
week full of healthy eating
finished long overdue work projects
connections via business calls
successful business meetings
home made dinner w/ friends
90 minutes boot camp class
weekend full of dinner & drink w / new friends and old
 salon juant 
much needed mani

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week in Review

Week in Review
brunch date w/ friends
sipped and sample local Italian cafe
pushed through first 90 minute bootcamp class
2 pilates class
1 yoga class
1 gym jaunt
discovered Davids Tea
fabulous finds at the farmers market