reflect. grow. laugh. love. let go. sip tea. write. eat cupcakes. forgive. do good.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Week in Review - 1/25

- Snow Day! We talked for years about having the ultimate snow day and we finally did. Snow trecks, beers, Netflix and cooking adventures.
- Took one yoga class
- Shopping trip success 
- Food shopping and Tarjay
- Soaked in tub
- Took one Pilates class
- Ran 1 mile
- Girls night in & relaxation
- Shoveled snow  
- Mani
- Super Bowl Sunday Festivities
- Gym shopping trip
- Arts & crafts with the peanut
- Savored green juice

- I'm grateful for my mother. Am incredible woman who I am proud to call my mom & my best friend

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Week in Review - 1/18

- Endulged in one yoga class. Decide to have one pose goal a month
- January Monthly Pose Goal: Crow
- Took one Pilates class
- Locked down one new account and submitted a proposal on another huge one
- Mani 
- Dinner date with the girls 
- Dinner & a movie date with my babe
- AHS night w/ pizza & wine 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week in Review - 1/11

- Got to bed early for a change. Felt great to get a full night sleep
- Good mtg with a potential new client in a gorgeous area 
- Productive day before vacation. Feels so good to leave with no lose ends
- Day 1 of the Waterlogged app. Heathly living goal of the qtr is to drink more water:)
- Birthday Vacay to a warmer climate
- Great food, swimming in the ocean and sun. What more can I ask for in the middle of January?! :)
- Discovered new places & created new memories
- A lot of first times happened this week... but not last times!
- Pumped to get back to work. Career is at real high right now
- Fell in love again and again and again

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Week in Review - 1/4

- Created & Savored cauliflower mash ! Recipe here :
- Hair appointment 
- Day 1 new job life chapter a great day in the books!
- Stretched, barely, thru a long awaited & bodily missed yoga class
- Booked last minute bday vacation warmer weather bound
- Soaked in tub... First time in well over a year. Hoping to make it a weekly ritual.
- Body pumped
- Wax on Wax off
- Trouble sleeping trying knock out this cold
- First solo mtg in my new position. Went amazing! 
- Got thru my first week as well as I think it could have been. Not enough time in the day :(
- Family Funday full of football
- Low key drinks & thai food to wrap up my week

Gratitude List
- Netflix binge-ability on a cold winter day
- Mom always thinking of me when she cooks & making extra 
- My babe always being so caring & kind hearted 
- Being a part of a great team with my co-workers & all the encouragement they give me
- Dinner being ready after a long day
- Heat
- Having access to food & medicine when so many others do not
- instead of gratitude I want to express my sorrow & prayers for my beautiful city of Paris.
- Friends & Family I can depend on