reflect. grow. laugh. love. let go. sip tea. write. eat cupcakes. forgive. do good.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Falling back in to Fall

What a whirlwind these past few weeks have been. If you've been keeping up with my blog you'll know I was planning my dream vacay with SO to Paris. The weeks leading up to it where crazy and hectic and when it finally arrived there was a strike! But we made it and words cannot describe how incredible Paris and Versailles truly are. A few things that stuck out:

- No one is on their phone. No one is walking and txtn. No one had their phones out at the restaurants.
- It's all natural. Woman had on very little makeup and their hair was ver natural. 
- They always look put together. Even if it's just a t-shirt w/ dark jeans they would wear a beautiful scarf. No one looked sloppy.
- No flipflops and no sunglasses. The flip flops I understood because they can be obnoxiously noisy and just look like eh. But sunglasses I didn't understand. It's sunny everywhere! 

Now that we've finally been we're already planning our next trip. I highly recommend you do the same.
1 - Save your money
2 - Do your research (TripAdvisor Forum is a great resource)
3 - Learn a bit of the language (I suggest an app called Dulingo) 
4 - Buy your ticket

Do not wait until 'the right time' NOW is the right time! As long as you're working hard and paying your bills nothing is holding you back. We all work ourselves to death in our culture. When we need to work to live and enjoy life and see all the amazing things this world has to offer. We don't live to work! That's not how life should be. Remember Paris is Always a good idea!

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