reflect. grow. laugh. love. let go. sip tea. write. eat cupcakes. forgive. do good.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week in Review 3/23

- Much needed mani
- Savored imported coffee & a delicious lunch at local coffee house while listening to "chill" station on Spotify
- Purchased fresh tulips to celebrate spring
- 1 gym jaunt 
- Celebrated a friends birthday
- Went bowling for the first time since forever and a day ago
- Dinner date with my babe at neighborhood hot spot
- Half day at work for quality us time

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Week in Review 3/16

- Cruised the farmers market for fresh flowers and picked up yummy fruits and cheese 
- Basked in the first sunny somewhat warm day with my kindle
- Savored "not good for you" take out and a few glasses of wine 
- Enjoyed a much needed me day of shopping and visiting my mum
- Put my tool belt on and set up my new bed frame [ easier than I thought! ]
- Dry Bar visit 
- Set up 1 new project meeting
- Created new feature section on company website 
- 4 gym jaunts including butt-kicking bootcamp
- Made dinner 4 nights a week instead of eating out [ more $$ for ParĂ­s in September ]
- Met with 1 prospect
- Celebrated a friends birthday until the wee hours of the morning
- Danced to songs from back in days :)
- Had drinks with old friends