reflect. grow. laugh. love. let go. sip tea. write. eat cupcakes. forgive. do good.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Week in Review - 4/28

- Finally took a day off of work since December
- Picked up new living room set
- Trip to Home Goods & Tarjay
- Made yummy home chicken soup
- 2 gym jaunts
- Wax on wax off
- Evening yoga class 
Dinner date w/ my babe at new Q restaurant
- Much needed drinks with a long time friend 
- Signed up at a new Yoga studio & dived in to 2 early morning yoga classes followed by 2 trips to Sbucks and a walk along the waterfront 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Week in Review - 4/20

- Shoe shopping trip with no success but still fun
- Delectable oyster dinner date with my bestie 
- Saw a good friend visiting from out of town 
- Celebrated a friends birthday outside of the city
- Dinner with the girls
- 2 gym jaunts & yoga class
- Dinner date with my babe
- Attended a work event & met fun people
- Delectable Asian specilty dinner with my bestie
- Finally purchased refills for my plugins from B&BW

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Week in Review - 4/13

- Ran 2 miles
- Lunch w/ lovely co-workers & friends
- Big day at work
- 2gym jaunts
- one Pilates class
- Dinner date with Babe
- Dinner at fav restaurants with besties
- Dived in to yoga class with new instructor
- researched & researched trip to Paris :) 5 months!!
- Savored amazing vanilla protien shake while taking in some people watching 

Week in Review - 4/6

- Mani Pedi treatment 
- Sox Game w/ friends
- Made it through an intense bootcamp class
- 3 gym jaunts (1 w/ my babe)
- Ran much needed errands including food shopping! Time to limit the take out!
- Met up w/ my besties for drinks on the first nice weather Friday
- Enjoyed a full day of self reflecting and went somewhat digital free
- Wax on Hair off 
- Finished old projects & Started new ones at work
- Savored 2 green smoothies ( light as air when made with cocoanut water! )
- Farmers market shopping trip
- Quick but much needed family visit

Weekly Lesson Learned : Sometimes the best company is your own